Hello Everyone.
My name is Santos (he/him) and this is my first official blog and hopefully it will last. I primarily want to cover some of the new philosophy things I am going over in some of my courses but also want to cover some of the topics in my other academic courses (ie. biology, English). Now I get to share what I am learning at the University of California, Berkeley! I am only a philosophy enthusiast, thus far, without qualification. I hope you all enjoy my insights and reflections on various philosophical readings and other miscellaneous things. And please feel free to leave comments about what you think (or any crituques) about any one of my posts.
Now, about the blog, I got the name after my first philosophy class I took about 3 years ago. We were asked about what quote or phrase we live by, and I sat there thinking, flummoxed, not knowing what to say. Then, my professor mentioned that he likes to go by "cogito." I probably had the same reaction you guys had when you read the header to this blog. But, as he went on to talk about what cogito meant, I left that day thinking about the word for a long time.
My dog: Fluffy |
The word's actual meaning is definitely up for interpretation, but it is most commonly recognized from the latin translation of Rene Descartes' "I think, therefore I am": "Cogito, ergo sum." Consequentially, instead of looking at the word by its dictionary definition, I like to think of "cogito" as "I think" from Descartes' widely known philosophical proposition.
As of 2020, an undergraduate at the University of California, I hope to establish this forum as a place for my political and law portfolio, where I can look back and reflect when I am hopefully a judge, lawyer, or politician.
Feel free to email me about any concerns or to discuss the nature of a particular article, at santoscandelario02@gmail.com